BIoPAX途径从反应数据库中的“APOBEC3G:VIF关联:VIF与CUL5-SCF复合”转换。 左到右 APOBEC3G:Vif与Cul5-SCF配合物的结合 VIF和E3泛素连接酶复合物(CULLIN5,ELONGIN B和ELONGIN C和RBX1)之间的相互作用通过在病毒蛋白VIF中的SOCS盒基序与宿主蛋白酶C中的直接结合到宿主蛋白酶C.此外,是一种保守的HCCH主题在VIF中允许绑定到Cullin 5。 撰写:Matthews,L,2006-05-15 23:53:25 评论:Mulder, L, 2007-01-30 22:57:00 查看:Simon,V,2007-01-30 23:07:12 编辑:Matthews,L,2007-01-30 11:27:41 VIF:Apobec3g复合体 Reactome DB_ID: 180543 cytosol. 基因本体论 去:0005829. 从反垃圾中的EntitySet转换 apobec3g. 反应DB_ID:180578 apobec3g-3 Apobec3g同种型3. 反应DB_ID:180593 UNIPROT:Q9HC16-3 APOBEC3G apobec3g. MDS019 通过脱氨酶 - 依赖性和依赖性机制作为逆转录病毒复制和转回转移率的作用的功能DNA脱氨酶(胞苷脱氨酶)。对VIF缺陷的HIV-1表现出有效的抗病毒活性。在逆转录病毒核衣壳中渗透到感染的靶细胞和逆转录的开始之后,可以诱导胞嘧啶在减去单链病毒DNA中转化为尿嘧啶,导致随后加的G-TO-A高介质-strant病毒DNA。所得促进基因组中突变的突变水平,以及在透过透过型常合之前起作用的脱胺的机制,在感染的靶细胞中一起发挥有效的抗逆转录病毒作用。选择性地靶向单链DNA,不会脱氨酸双链DNA或单链或双链RNA。展示抗病毒活动也针对Simian免疫缺陷病毒(SIV),乙型肝炎病毒(HBV),马传染性贫血病毒(EIAV),异熵Mulv相关病毒(XMRV)和Simian泡沫病毒(SFV)。可以抑制LTR和非LTR转回转移的迁移率。分子调节组件进入高分子质量(HMM)的核糖核糖蛋白复合物抑制其酶活性。通过HIV-1病毒粒子感染性因子(VIF)中和抗病毒活性,其通过抑制其翻译和/或通过诱导其泛素化并随后通过26s蛋白酶诱导降解来掺入后代HIV-1病毒中和。也可以通过Simian免疫缺陷病毒Sooty Mangabey猴病毒(SIV-SM)和黑猩猩免疫缺陷病毒(SIV-CPZ)VIF.Subunit同源体的中和。HomoOnigomer。 Can bind RNA to form ribonucleoprotein complexes of high-molecular-mass (HMM) or low-molecular-mass (LMM). HMM is inactive and heterogeneous in protein composition because of binding nonselectively to cellular RNAs, which in turn are associated with variety of cellular proteins. The LMM form which is enzymatically active has few or no RNAs associated. Its ability to form homooligomer is distinct from its ability to assemble into HMM. Interacts with APOBEC3B, APOBEC3F, MOV10, AGO2, EIF4E, EIF4ENIF1, DCP2 and DDX6 in an RNA-dependent manner. Interacts with AGO1, AGO3 and PKA/PRKACA.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts with HIV-1 Vif.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts with HIV-1 reverse transcriptase/ribonuclease H.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts with hepatitis B virus capsid protein.TISSUE SPECIFICITY Expressed in spleen, testes, ovary and peripheral blood leukocytes and CD4+ lymphocytes. Also expressed in non-permissive peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and several tumor cell lines; no expression detected in permissive lymphoid and non-lymphoid cell lines. Exists only in the LMM form in peripheral blood-derived resting CD4 T-cells and monocytes, both of which are refractory to HIV-1 infection. LMM is converted to a HMM complex when resting CD4 T-cells are activated or when monocytes are induced to differentiate into macrophages. This change correlates with increased susceptibility of these cells to HIV-1 infection.INDUCTION Up-regulated by IFN-alpha.DOMAIN The CMP/dCMP deaminase domain 1 mediates RNA binding, RNA-dependent oligomerization and virion incorporation whereas the CMP/dCMP deaminase domain 2 confers deoxycytidine deaminase activity and substrate sequence specificity.PTM Ubiquitinated in the presence of HIV-1 Vif. Association with Vif targets the protein for proteolysis by the ubiquitin-dependent proteasome pathway.PTM Phosphorylation at Thr-32 reduces its binding to HIV-1 Vif and subsequent ubiquitination and degradation thus promoting its antiviral activity.MISCELLANEOUS Accumulation of APOBEC3G induced non-lethal hypermutation could contribute to the genetic variation of primate lentiviral populations.MISCELLANEOUS It is one of seven related genes or pseudogenes found in a cluster, thought to result from gene duplication, on chromosome 22.SIMILARITY Belongs to the cytidine and deoxycytidylate deaminase family. HOMO SAPIENS. NCBI分类学 9606. uniprot同种型 Q9HC16-3 1 平等的 384. 平等的 反应数据库ID版本77 180593 数据库标识符。使用此URL将此实例的网页连接到反乐中: 反应 R-HSA-180593 1 反应稳定标识符。使用此URL将此实例的Web页面连接到Reactome: 反应 apobec3g. 反应DB_ID:180576 UNIPROT:Q9HC16-1 APOBEC3G apobec3g. MDS019 通过脱氨酶 - 依赖性和依赖性机制作为逆转录病毒复制和转回转移率的作用的功能DNA脱氨酶(胞苷脱氨酶)。对VIF缺陷的HIV-1表现出有效的抗病毒活性。在逆转录病毒核衣壳中渗透到感染的靶细胞和逆转录的开始之后,可以诱导胞嘧啶在减去单链病毒DNA中转化为尿嘧啶,导致随后加的G-TO-A高介质-strant病毒DNA。所得促进基因组中突变的突变水平,以及在透过透过型常合之前起作用的脱胺的机制,在感染的靶细胞中一起发挥有效的抗逆转录病毒作用。选择性地靶向单链DNA,不会脱氨酸双链DNA或单链或双链RNA。展示抗病毒活动也针对Simian免疫缺陷病毒(SIV),乙型肝炎病毒(HBV),马传染性贫血病毒(EIAV),异熵Mulv相关病毒(XMRV)和Simian泡沫病毒(SFV)。可以抑制LTR和非LTR转回转移的迁移率。分子调节组件进入高分子质量(HMM)的核糖核糖蛋白复合物抑制其酶活性。通过HIV-1病毒粒子感染性因子(VIF)中和抗病毒活性,其通过抑制其翻译和/或通过诱导其泛素化并随后通过26s蛋白酶诱导降解来掺入后代HIV-1病毒中和。也可以通过Simian免疫缺陷病毒Sooty Mangabey猴病毒(SIV-SM)和黑猩猩免疫缺陷病毒(SIV-CPZ)VIF.Subunit同源体的中和。HomoOnigomer。 Can bind RNA to form ribonucleoprotein complexes of high-molecular-mass (HMM) or low-molecular-mass (LMM). HMM is inactive and heterogeneous in protein composition because of binding nonselectively to cellular RNAs, which in turn are associated with variety of cellular proteins. The LMM form which is enzymatically active has few or no RNAs associated. Its ability to form homooligomer is distinct from its ability to assemble into HMM. Interacts with APOBEC3B, APOBEC3F, MOV10, AGO2, EIF4E, EIF4ENIF1, DCP2 and DDX6 in an RNA-dependent manner. Interacts with AGO1, AGO3 and PKA/PRKACA.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts with HIV-1 Vif.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts with HIV-1 reverse transcriptase/ribonuclease H.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts with hepatitis B virus capsid protein.TISSUE SPECIFICITY Expressed in spleen, testes, ovary and peripheral blood leukocytes and CD4+ lymphocytes. Also expressed in non-permissive peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and several tumor cell lines; no expression detected in permissive lymphoid and non-lymphoid cell lines. Exists only in the LMM form in peripheral blood-derived resting CD4 T-cells and monocytes, both of which are refractory to HIV-1 infection. LMM is converted to a HMM complex when resting CD4 T-cells are activated or when monocytes are induced to differentiate into macrophages. This change correlates with increased susceptibility of these cells to HIV-1 infection.INDUCTION Up-regulated by IFN-alpha.DOMAIN The CMP/dCMP deaminase domain 1 mediates RNA binding, RNA-dependent oligomerization and virion incorporation whereas the CMP/dCMP deaminase domain 2 confers deoxycytidine deaminase activity and substrate sequence specificity.PTM Ubiquitinated in the presence of HIV-1 Vif. Association with Vif targets the protein for proteolysis by the ubiquitin-dependent proteasome pathway.PTM Phosphorylation at Thr-32 reduces its binding to HIV-1 Vif and subsequent ubiquitination and degradation thus promoting its antiviral activity.MISCELLANEOUS Accumulation of APOBEC3G induced non-lethal hypermutation could contribute to the genetic variation of primate lentiviral populations.MISCELLANEOUS It is one of seven related genes or pseudogenes found in a cluster, thought to result from gene duplication, on chromosome 22.SIMILARITY Belongs to the cytidine and deoxycytidylate deaminase family. uniprot同种型 Q9HC16-1 反应数据库ID版本77 180576 数据库标识符。使用此URL在反垃圾中连接到此实例的网页: 反应 R-HSA-180576 1 反应稳定标识符。使用此URL将此实例的Web页面连接到Reactome: 反应数据库ID版本77 180578 数据库标识符。使用此URL在反垃圾中连接到此实例的网页: 反应 R-HSA-180578 1 反应稳定标识符。使用此URL在反弹中连接到此实例的网页: 1 VIF(p69723)蛋白质 反应DB_ID:173256 UniProt: P69723 vif vif. 功能抵消了主机Apobec3f和Apobec3g的先天抗病毒品活动。形成宿主apobec3f和apobec3g的复合物,从而防止这些致死的血管酶进入后代病毒粒子。促进由Elongin BC,Cul5和RBX2组成的活性E3泛素连接酶复合物,以诱导apobec3g和apobec3f的多覆。反过来,它们涉及26S蛋白酶以进行降解。与Apobec3G的VIF相互作用也以蛋白质单型方式阻断其胞苷脱氨酶活性,表明双重抑制机制。可以直接与apobec3g mRNA进行互动,以抑制其翻译。似乎通过影响病毒核蛋白核心的稳定性来发挥病毒形态的作用。最后,VIF还有助于在HIV感染细胞中观察到的G2细胞循环骤停。津津是HOMOMULIMER;体外,可能是体内。与病毒RNA和PR55GAG前体相互作用; these interactions mediate Vif incorporation into the virion. Interacts with the viral reverse transcriptase. Interacts with human APOBEC3F and APOBEC3G. Interacts with host UBCE7IP1 isoform 3/ZIN and possibly with SAT. Interacts with host tyrosine kinases HCK and FYN; these interactions may decrease level of phosphorylated APOBEC3G incorporation into virions. Interacts with host ABCE1; this interaction may play a role in protecting viral RNA from damage during viral assembly. Forms an E3 ligase complex by interacting with host CUL5 and elongin BC complex (ELOB and ELOC). Interacts with host MDM2; this interaction targets Vif for degradation by the proteasome.INDUCTION Expressed late during infection in a Rev-dependent manner.DOMAIN The BC-like-box motif mediates the interaction with elongin BC complex.DOMAIN The HCCH motif (H-x(5)-C-x(18)-C-x(5)-H) mediates the interaction with CUL5.PTM Highly phosphorylated on serine and threonine residues (By similarity). Thr-96 and Ser-165 are phosphorylated by the mitogen activated kinase MAP4K1. As the HIV-1 replication can be activated by stress and mitogens, these phosphorylations could be involved in this process. Ser-144 phosphorylation may inhibit elongin BC complex binding.PTM Processed in virion by the viral protease.PTM Polyubiquitinated and degraded by the proteasome in the presence of APOBEC3G.MISCELLANEOUS Vif-defective viruses show catastrophic failure in reverse transcription due to APOBEC-induced mutations that initiate a DNA base repair pathway and compromise the structural integrity of the ssDNA. In the absence of Vif, the virion is morphologically abnormal.MISCELLANEOUS HIV-1 lineages are divided in three main groups, M (for Major), O (for Outlier), and N (for New, or Non-M, Non-O). The vast majority of strains found worldwide belong to the group M. Group O seems to be endemic to and largely confined to Cameroon and neighboring countries in West Central Africa, where these viruses represent a small minority of HIV-1 strains. The group N is represented by a limited number of isolates from Cameroonian persons. The group M is further subdivided in 9 clades or subtypes (A to D, F to H, J and K).MISCELLANEOUS Required for replication in 'nonpermissive' cells, including primary T-cells, macrophages and certain T-cell lines, but is dispensable for replication in 'permissive' cell lines, such as 293T cells. In nonpermissive cells, Vif-defective viruses can produce virions, but they fail to complete reverse transcription and cannot successfully infect new cells.SIMILARITY Belongs to the primate lentivirus group Vif protein family. 人类免疫缺陷病毒1 NCBI分类学 11676. uniprot. P69723. 反应数据库ID版本77 173256 数据库标识符。使用此URL将此实例的网页连接到反乐中: 反应 R-HIV-173256 7. 反应稳定标识符。使用此URL将此实例的网页连接到反乐中: 1 反应数据库ID版本77 180543 数据库标识符。使用此URL将此实例的Web页面连接到Reactome: 反应 R-HSA-180543 2 反应稳定标识符。使用此URL在反弹中连接到此实例的网页: CUL5-SCF复杂 反应DB_ID:180596 elob. TCEB2 转录延伸因子B多肽2 RNA聚合酶II转录因子SiII亚基B. SIII P18. Elongin-B Elongin 18 KDA亚基 反应DB_ID:180551 UNIPROT:Q15370 ELOB elob. TCEB2 功能SiII,也称为Elongin,是一般的转录伸长因子,其增加了RNA聚合酶II转录伸长率过去的模板编码的滞留位点。通过与SiII调节亚基B和C(Elongin BC Complex)的二聚体复合物结合(PubMed:7638163),通过结合转录活性亚单位A的转录活性。在胚胎干细胞中,ELONGIN BC络合物由EPOP募集到Polycomb组(PCG)靶基因,依次产生显示主体和抑制染色质特性的基因组区域,是多能干细胞的重要特征(通过相似性)。功能BC复合物似乎通过不同的E3泛素连接酶复合物作为靶蛋白的靶蛋白的蛋白酶体降解中的适配蛋白,包括von Hippel-Lindau泛素突出的CBC(VHL)。通过绑定到BC-Box基序,它似乎将目标招聘亚基(如VHL和SoCS盒系列)相同,以激活E2泛素酶的Cullin / RBX1模块.Patchway蛋白质改性;蛋白质泛素泛素ubiquitination.subinit yocot vimer的a(eloa,eloa2或Eloa3p),elob和eloc亚基(Pubmed:10205047,Pubmed:17997974)。Elongin BC复合物与EPOP相互作用;导致募集Elongin BC复合物到PolycomB组(PCG)靶基因,从而限制PRC2 / EED-EZH2复合物的过度活性(通过相似性)。E3泛素连接酶配合物的一部分与Cul5或Cul2,RBX1和底物适配蛋白,可以是SOCS1,SOCS5,ELOA,VHL或WSB1(PubMed:15590694,PubMed:22286099)。与VHL进行互动(PubMed:10205047,PubMed:11006129)。 Found in a complex composed of LIMD1, VHL, EGLN1/PHD2, ELOB and CUL2. Interacts with SPSB1 (PubMed:17189197). Interacts with KLHDC10; which may be an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex substrate recognition component (PubMed:23102700). May also interact with DCUN1D1, DCUN1D2, DCUN1D3 and DCUN1D5 (PubMed:26906416).SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Substrate adapter protein can be a viral protein such as HIV Vif.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts with molluscum contagiosum virus MC132.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts with herpes virus 8 virus protein LANA1. uniprot. Q15370 1 平等的 118. 平等的 反应数据库ID版本77 180551 数据库标识符。使用此URL将此实例的Web页面连接到Reactome: 反应 R-HSA-180551 3. 反应稳定标识符。使用此URL在反垃圾中连接到此实例的网页: 1 RBX1. Roc1. 反应DB_ID:180582 UNIPROT:P62877 RBX1 RBX1. RNF75. Roc1. E3泛素连接酶是多个基于cullin- ring的E3泛素蛋白连接酶(CRLs)复合物的组成部分,介导靶蛋白的泛素化和随后的蛋白酶体降解,包括参与细胞周期进展、信号转导、PubMed:10230407, PubMed:10579999, PubMed:15983046, PubMed:16678110, PubMed:19112177, PubMed:19679664, PubMed:23455478, PubMed:27565346, PubMed:29769719, PubMed:11961546, PubMed:22748924)。CRLs复合物和ARIH1共同介导靶蛋白的泛素化,ARIH1介导在CRLs靶蛋白上添加第一个泛素(PubMed:27565346)。E3泛素-蛋白连接酶复合物的功能特异性取决于不同的底物识别成分。作为CSA复合物的组成部分,促进ERCC6的泛素化,导致蛋白酶体降解。将E2泛素结合酶CDC34招募到复合物上,使其接近底物。可能还会刺激CDC34自biquitination。可能需要组蛋白H3和组蛋白H4泛素化反应的紫外线和随后的DNA修复。通过与UBE2M的相互作用促进CUL1, CUL2, CUL4和CUL4的类泛素化。参与KEAP1、ENC1、KLHL41的泛素化。 In concert with ATF2 and CUL3, promotes degradation of KAT5 thereby attenuating its ability to acetylate and activate ATM.PATHWAY Protein modification; protein ubiquitination.SUBUNIT Part of a SCF complex consisting of CUL1, RBX1, SKP1 and SKP2 (PubMed:11961546). Part of a SCF-like complex consisting of CUL7, RBX1, SKP1 and FBXW8. Part of CBC(VHL) complexes with elongin BC complex (ELOB and ELOC), CUL2 or CUL5 and VHL. Part of the CSA complex (DCX(ERCC8) complex), a DCX E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complex containing ERCC8, RBX1, DDB1 and CUL4A; the CSA complex interacts with RNA polymerase II; upon UV irradiation it interacts with the COP9 signalosome and preferentially with the hyperphosphorylated form of RNA polymerase II. Part of multisubunit E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes with elongin BC complex (ELOB and ELOC), CUL2 and MED8; elongin BC complex (ELOB and ELOC), CUL5 and MUF1. Part of multisubunit complexes with elongin BC complex (ELOB and ELOC), elongin A/ELOA or SOCS1 or WSB1 and CUL5. Interacts directly with CUL1 and probably also with CUL2, CUL3, CUL4A, CUL4B, CUL5 and CUL7. Interacts with CDC34 (PubMed:22748924). Interacts with GLMN. GLMN competes for the binding site of the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme CDC34 and disrupts CDC34 binding (PubMed:22748924). Interacts with COPS6. Component of the DCX DET1-COP1 ubiquitin ligase complex at least composed of RBX1, DET1, DDB1, CUL4A and COP1. Part of an E3 ligase complex composed of RBX1, DDB1, DDB2 and CUL4A or CUL4B. Interacts with UBE2M. Part of a SCF complex consisting of CUL1, FBXO3, RBX1 and SKP1; this complex interacts with PML via FBXO3. Component of the SCF(Cyclin F) complex consisting of CUL1, RBX1, SKP1 and CCNF. Identified in a SCF (SKP1-CUL1-F-box protein) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex together with HINT1 and CDC34. Component of multiple BCR (BTB-CUL3-RBX1) E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complexes formed of CUL3, RBX1 and a variable BTB domain-containing protein. Part of the BCR(ENC1) complex containing ENC1. Part of the BCR(GAN) complex containing GAN. Part of the BCR(KLHL41) complex containing KLHL41. Part of the BCR(KEAP1) complex containing KEAP1. Interacts with SESN1 and SESN2 (PubMed:23274085). Interacts with NOTCH2 (PubMed:29149593). Component of the BCR(KLHL22) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, at least composed of CUL3, KLHL22 and RBX1 (PubMed:23455478). Interacts with DCUN1D1, DCUN1D2, DCUN1D3, DCUN1D4 and DCUN1D5 (PubMed:26906416, PubMed:24192928, PubMed:25349211).SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts with human adenovirus 5 protein E1A; this interaction inhibits RBX1-CUL1-dependent elongation reaction of ubiquitin chains by the SCF(FBW7) complex.TISSUE SPECIFICITY Widely expressed.DOMAIN The RING-type zinc finger domain is essential for ubiquitin ligase activity (PubMed:10230407). It coordinates an additional third zinc ion (PubMed:11961546, PubMed:22748924).SIMILARITY Belongs to the RING-box family. uniprot. P62877 2 平等的 108. 平等的 反应数据库ID版本77 180582 数据库标识符。使用此URL将此实例的Web页面连接到Reactome: 反应 R-HSA-180582 1 反应稳定标识符。使用此URL将此实例的网页连接到Reactome: 1 CUL5. Cullin-5. 反应DB_ID:180528 UNIPROT:Q93034 CUL5 CUL5. vacm1. 多种SCF样ECS的功能核心组分(ELONGIN-CULLIN 2/5-SOCS蛋白)E3泛素 - 蛋白质连接酶复合物,其介导靶蛋白的泛素化和随后的蛋白酶体降解。由于支架蛋白质可以通过基质的定位和泛素缀合酶的定位有助于催化。E3泛素 - 蛋白质连接酶复合物的功能特异性取决于可变基底识别组分。ECS(SOCS1)似乎可引导JAK2的泛素化。似乎参与了由腺病毒E1b-55kDa蛋白刺激的p53 / tp53的蛋白质转化。可形成细胞表面血管加压素受体.Patchway蛋白质改性;蛋白质泛素ubiquitination.subinit组分(ELONGIN BC-CUL2 / 5-SOCS蛋白)E3由CUL5,ELONGIN BC(ELOC和ELOC),RBX2和含有可变SOCS盒结构域蛋白质形成的泛素 - 蛋白质连接酶复合物。基质特异性识别组分。可能的ECS(LRRC41)复合物与基板识别分量LRRC41复合物。具有基板识别分量SOCS1的可能ECS(SOCS1)复合物的组件。 Component of the probable ECS(WSB1) complex with the substrate recognition subunit WSB1. Component of the probable ECS(SOCS3) complex with the substrate recognition component SOCS3. Component of the probable ECS(SPSB1) complex with the substrate recognition component SPSB1. Component of the probable ECS(SPSB2) complex with the substrate recognition component SPSB2. Component of the probable ECS(SPSB4) complex with the substrate recognition component SPSB4. Component of the probable ECS(RAB40C) complex with the substrate recognition subunit RAB40C. May also form complexes containing CUL5, elongin BC complex (ELOB and ELOC), RBX1 and ELOA. May also form complexes containing CUL5, Elongin BC (ELOB and ELOC), RBX1 and VHL. Interacts with RNF7/RBX2, LRRC41, SOCS3, SPSB1, SPSB2, SPSB4 and RAB40C. Interacts with ASB1, ASB2, ASB6, ASB7 and ASB12. Interacts (when neddylated) with ARIH2; leading to activate the E3 ligase activity of ARIH1 (PubMed:24076655). Interacts with NOS2 in the presence of SPSB1 or SPSB2 or SPSB4 (PubMed:21199876). Interacts with ERCC6; the interaction is induced by DNA damaging agents or inhibitors of RNA polymerase II elongation (PubMed:28292928). Interacts with ELOA (via BC-box)(PubMed:28292928). Interacts (unneddylated form) with DCUN1D1, DCUN1D2, DCUN1D3, DCUN1D4 and DCUN1D5; these interactions promote the cullin neddylation (PubMed:26906416, PubMed:23201271).SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts (via the substrate recognition component) with HIV-1 Vif.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts (via the substrate recognition component) with human adenovirus 5 proteins E1B-55K and E4-orf6.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts with herpes virus 8 protein LANA1; this interaction promotes the degradation of NF-kappa-B component RELA.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts with molluscum contagiosum virus protein MC132; this interaction promotes the degradation of NF-kappa-B component RELA.PTM Neddylated; which enhances the ubiquitination activity of SCF and prevents binding of the inhibitor CAND1. Deneddylated via its interaction with the COP9 signalosome (CSN).SIMILARITY Belongs to the cullin family. uniprot. Q93034 2 平等的 780. 平等的 反应数据库ID版本77 180528. 数据库标识符。使用此URL在反弹中连接到此实例的网页: 反应 R-HSA-180528 1 反应稳定标识符。使用此URL将此实例的网页连接到反乐中: 1 eloc TCEB1 转录延伸因子B多肽 RNA聚合酶II转录因子SIII亚基C. SIII P15 Elongin-C. eloc Elongin 15 KDA亚基 反应DB_ID:180535 UniProt: Q15369 ELOC eloc TCEB1 功能SiII,也称为Elongin,是一般的转录伸长因子,其增加了RNA聚合酶II转录伸长率过去的模板编码的滞留位点。通过与SiII调节亚基B和C(Elongin BC复合物)的二聚体复合物结合(PubMed:7821821),通过结合转录Ancrecorcleasce A A.转录活性,并且其转录活性强烈地增强了(Pubmed:7821821)。在胚胎干细胞中,ELONGIN BC络合物由EPOP募集到Polycomb组(PCG)靶基因,依次产生显示主体和抑制染色质特性的基因组区域,是多能干细胞的重要特征(通过相似性)。功能BC复合物似乎通过不同的E3泛素连接酶复合物作为靶蛋白的靶蛋白的蛋白酶体降解中的适配蛋白,包括von Hippel-Lindau泛素突出的CBC(VHL)。通过绑定到BC-Box的主题,它似乎将目标招募亚基(如VHL和SoCS盒系列的成员)链接到激活E2泛素酶的Cullin / RBX1模块。A(ELOA,ELOA2或ELOA3P),ELOB的ubit和ELOC亚基(PUBMED:17997974)。Elongin BC复合物与EPOP相互作用;导致募集Elongin BC复合物到PolycomB组(PCG)靶基因,从而限制PRC2 / EED-EZH2复合物的过度活性(通过相似性)。E3泛素连接酶配合物的一部分与Cul5或Cul2,RBX1和底物适配蛋白,可以是SOCS1,SOCS5,ELOA,VHL或WSB1(PubMed:15590694)。Elongin BC络合物是VHL和羟基化HIF1A的配合物的一部分(PubMed:12050673,PubMed:12004076)。 Part of an E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complex including ZYG11B, CUL2 and Elongin BC. Part of an E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase complex including ZER1, CUL2 and Elongin BC (PubMed:17304241). Interacts with VHL (PubMed:10205047, PubMed:12050673, PubMed:11006129). Interacts with TMF1 (PubMed:15467733). Interacts with SPSB1 (PubMed:17189197). Interacts with SPSB1. Interacts with KLHDC10; which may be an E3 ubiquitin ligase complex substrate recognition component (PubMed:23102700). Interacts with NOS2 in the presence of SPSB1 or SPSB2 or SPSB4 (PubMed:21199876).SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Substrate adapter protein can be a viral protein such as HIV Vif.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts with human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) protein NS1.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts with molluscum contagiosum virus MC132.SUBUNIT (Microbial infection) Interacts with herpes virus 8 virus protein LANA1.TISSUE SPECIFICITY Overexpressed in prostate cancer cell line PC-3 and breast cancer cell line SK-BR-3.SIMILARITY Belongs to the SKP1 family. uniprot. Q15369 1 平等的 112. 平等的 反应数据库ID版本77 180535. 数据库标识符。使用此URL连接到Reactome中的此实例的网页:// 反应 R-HSA-180535 3. 反应稳定标识符。使用此URL连接到Reactome中此实例的网页: 1 反应数据库ID版本77 180596 数据库标识符。使用此URL在反弹中连接到此实例的网页: 反应 R-HSA-180596 1 反应稳定标识符。使用此URL在反垃圾中连接到此实例的网页: apobec3g:VIF:CUL5:SCF复杂 反应DB_ID:180549 1 1 反应数据库ID版本77 180549. 数据库标识符。使用此URL在反垃圾中连接到此实例的网页: 反应 R-HSA-180549 2 反应稳定标识符。使用此URL将此实例的Web页面连接到Reactome: 反应数据库ID版本77 180555 数据库标识符。使用此URL将此实例的网页连接到反乐中: = 180555 反应 R-HSA-180555 1 反应稳定标识符。使用此URL在反弹中连接到此实例的网页: 15574592. PubMed. 2004 新型SOCS盒的磷酸化调节HIV-1 VIF-CUL5复合物的组装,促进Apobec3G降解 Mehle,A. Goncalves,J. 圣达玛塔,米 McPike,M. Gabuzda,D 基因开发者18:2861-6 16530799. PubMed. 2006 HIV-1 Vif- cul5 E3泛素连接酶在Vif中通过新的锌结合域稳定疏水界面组装 小,Z. Ehrlich,E 俞,y 罗,K 王,陶 田,C 俞,萧芳 病毒学349:290-9 14564014 PubMed. 2003 HIV-1 VIF-CUL5-SCF复合物诱导APOBEC3G泛素化和降解 yu,x 俞,y 刘,B. 罗,K 孔W. 毛,P 俞,萧芳 科学302:1056-60